There is a No Perk Tree version available, so as not to conflict with other perk tree/skill changing mods, such as Perkus Maximus or Skyrim Redone.īows do 20% more damage to animals and creaturesīows do 30% more damage to animals and creatures
These perks are present in the normal version of the mod. The below items have had their base value (in gold) increased. More recruiting of random hunters in the wild.7 side quests, of which 6 radiant and repeatable.Collecting pelts for a local blacksmith, ridding a tormented village of a nearby wolf den, and increasing Guild fame and status are just a few of the things that the Dragonborn can do. Hunting in Skyrim is about creating a Hunting Guild to take on contracts, hunts, and other types of quests and work from the people of Skyrim.